Defining My Why
When I speak with someone and we are working through a
scripture together or some other concept, I am well known for reminding people
that the most engaging, as well as prophetic question you can ask of what you
are reading or doing is “why?” I am being serious. No other question can define
the text or the discussion more directly. If you do not know the why of the
situation, the who what when and where loose context. When you lose context you
open up multiple interpretations. This is not always bad. However, most of the
times you need to understand the why in order to best operate in the present
moment, or to engage in what you are reading or learning.
I have been reading Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why and he has some very insightful looks into organizations that
start out by defining their why. Why do they exist? Why do they prosper? Why do
they have so many early adopters who push the business further? I find this a
fascinating concept and one that I think needs elaborated on further in another
post. I want to take it into a personal place for a moment. As I was reading
this morning I heard God ask “Have you defined your why?” I was startled for a
moment at hearing it so clearly, and honestly I can say I have not. Not
recently anyway. I had a personal mission statement for a time and I still take
it out once in a while and ask myself tough questions, but it does not really
get to the heart of who I am and why I am who I am. Here is a few things about
me that I think most people who know me know, but some of it will be a
surprise. This is me working to define my why and refine the thoughts a little
bit further.
I exist in this time and space in order to
champion the cause of those who are left on the margins and who are cast aside
by economic and religious injustice. I especially resonate with those who are
outcast and set aside not by themselves, but by systemic and unrelenting
pressure from religious and governmental pressures. Those who are told conform,
reform and be reborn. This is where I am passionate, this is where I live.
Every book I read or scripture I exposit has
this question in mind “Who is this marginalizing?” Most people hate this
question because it can bring about uncomfortable feelings and conversations
with one self. The entire Bible testifies to the goodness of God. Everything
God has done, especially the sending of His son, was to upend the systemic you
are in/you are out mentality and the spiritual poverty it brings. I John 4:12 “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one
another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” (NIV) We are
ambassadors of love. Where love is, so exists Christ.
I exist in the here and now to sometimes (maybe
oftentimes even) be the burr in the saddle of the establishment. We as a
religion, as a society, are diseased and are ensconced in the duality of life.
Rich/poor, Good/bad etcetera. This is killing our society and I say enough. The
Apostle Paul reminds the church at Ephesus in Ephesians to “Make every effort to keep the unity of the
Spirit through the bond of peace.” Again and again the Bible makes peace
the priority. I struggle in keeping bonds of peace when all I want to do is go
to war on behalf of the marginalized. I may not be able to go to war, but I do
have a voice and I will use it passionately and persuasively on behalf of those
who have been nullified by the current system.
Some of you know my current vocation. This has nothing to do
with who I work for, and everything to do with it. What we do is awesome, but
it is very limited on scope and direction. I aim higher and bigger. I want to
see God’s love plastered everywhere. I believe my soul will not be at rest
until I know it is done.
Some push around the label liberal when they think of me.
That is fine, but it is just a label. Labels create duality, and it is the
duality mindset that is oppressing so many millions, if not billions of people.
What will it take for us to speak in a unified manner?
Organized religion will never answer fully for nor
completely be able to beat the duality mindset. As long as there are
organizations to maintain and a disembodied other out there that the
organization must rally against in order to create unity, the point is being
missed entirely. The answer is that each one of us makes the determination for
ourselves, and we all set about radically and openly engaging with the idea
that none is better than the other, money is not the object, religion only
really divides – and that ALL people, ALL nations can and should pursue the love
of the creator in any way they know how. We should get out of the way of our
neighbors, and instead watch, love and learn.
I have a whole lot of work to do – a lifetime of work to do
on this. I will fail, but there is grace in the journey. Will you go on the
journey as well? Will you deem love worth working for? Will you begin to ask
yourself the why in everything you do or say? It will take time, it will take
honesty, and it will take courage that is rarely seen. But it is time.
I exist to raise the vibration of
the cosmos with love. Love of God, love for myself, and love for all. Nothing
else will do.
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